Thursday, February 19, 2015

Astronomers spot clouds on Mars: Is the U.S. Government terra-forming the red planet? / Intellihub...

We may now be living in a time which is matching up to futuristic science fiction movies we all saw as kids

By Shepard Ambellas

(INTELLIHUB) — Cloud-like formations were originally spotted within the atmosphere of Mars by astronomers in 2012, leading some to believe the planet may be habitable or is being transformed in some way to make it so.
In fact images show the vapor formation to be over 621 miles across, which is larger than any other formation previously spotted within the red planet's atmosphere to date.
A planetary scientist with the European Space Agency says this "raises more questions than answers".
Damien Perch, an astronomer said, "I noticed this projection sticking out of the side of the planet. To begin with, I thought there was a problem with the telescope or camera. But as I checked more of the images, I realized it was a real feature – and it was quite a surprise."
According to reports the haze lasted about 10-days before reemerging about 30-days later as it appears these new clouds are beginning to form in a more consistent manner than ever before, bringing only one thing to mind — the 1990 science fiction film Total Recall starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The film Total Recall was set in the year 2084 as Wikipedia describes:
Earthbound construction worker Douglas Quaid is having troubling dreams about Mars and a mysterious woman there. His wife Lori dismisses the dreams and discourages him from thinking about Mars, where the governor, Vilos Cohaagen, is fighting rebels while searching for a rumored alien artifact located in the mines. At "Rekall", a company that provides memory implants of vacations, Quaid opts for a memory trip to Mars as a secret agent fantasy. However, during the procedure, before the memory is implanted, something goes wrong, and the story diverts between the question what is real and what is hallucination. Apparently, Quaid starts revealing previously suppressed memories of actually being a secret agent. The company sedates him, wipes his memory of the visit, and sends him home. On the way home, Quaid is attacked by his friend Harry and some construction coworkers; he is forced to kill them, revealing elite fighting-skills. He is then attacked in his apartment by Lori, who reveals that she was never his wife; their marriage was just a false memory implant and Cohaagen sent her as an agent to monitor Quaid. He is then attacked and pursued by armed thugs led by Richter, Lori's real husband and Cohaagen's operative.
After evading his attackers, Quaid is given a suitcase containing money, gadgets, fake IDs, a disguise and a video recording. The video is of Quaid himself, who identifies himself as "Hauser" and explains that he used to work for Cohaagen but learned about the artifact, and underwent the memory wipe to protect himself. "Hauser" instructs Quaid on removing a tracking device located inside his skull before ordering him to go to Mars and meet "Kuato", the leader of the rebels. Quaid makes his way to Mars and follows clues to Venusville, the colony's red-light district populated by a people mutated as a result of poor radiation shielding. He meets Benny, a taxi driver, and Melina, the woman from his dreams; but she spurns him, believing that Quaid is still working for Cohaagen.
But what makes the film particularly interesting is the fact that the powers-that-be had actually terraformed Mars, making it inhabitable by humans and aliens.
We also see the same attempt in the 1986 sci-fi movie Aliens, starring Sigourney Weaver, where Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is rescued after drifting through space in stasis for 57 years. She is debriefed by her employers at the Weyland-Yutani Corporation over the destruction of her ship, the Nostromo; they are skeptical of her claims that an Alien killed the ship's crew and forced her to detonate the ship. Ripley later learns that LV-426, the planet where the Nostromo encountered the Alien eggs, is now home to a human terraforming colony, called Hadley's Hope.
When contact is lost with Hadley's Hope, Weyland-Yutani representative Carter Burke and Colonial Marine Lieutenant Gorman approach Ripley about accompanying Burke and a Colonial Marine unit to investigate the cause of the disturbance. Traumatized by her previous encounter with the Alien, Ripley refuses, but relents after experiencing recurring nightmares about the creature; she makes Burke promise that they are going to destroy all of the Aliens. Aboard the spaceship U.S.S. Sulaco, she is introduced to the Colonial Marines, and the android Bishop, toward whom Ripley is initially hostile following her experience with the homicidal android Ash aboard the Nostromo.
A dropship delivers the expedition to the surface of LV-426, where they find the colony deserted. Inside, they find makeshift barricades and signs of a violent struggle, but no bodies. Two living facehuggers are found in containment tanks in the medical lab. They discover a traumatized young girl, nicknamed Newt, to be the lone survivor. Meanwhile, the crew uses the colony's computer to locate the colonists, finding all of them grouped together beneath the fusion powered atmosphere processing station. The group heads to the colonists location, descending into a series of corridors covered in Alien secretions. At the center of the station, the marines find the colonists cocooned, serving as incubators for the Aliens' offspring. When the marines kill a newborn Alien, the Aliens are roused and attack the marines, killing and capturing several. While the inexperienced Gorman panics, Ripley takes control of their vehicle and rams it through the nest to rescue marines Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez. Hicks orders the dropship to recover the survivors, but a stowaway Alien kills the pilots, causing it to crash. Ripley, Newt, Burke and the remaining marines barricade themselves inside the colony.
Moreover what makes this plot extremely fascinating is the fact that the Weyland-Yutani Corporation was involved in the process of terraforming planets such as LV-426 to make them habitable by human colonists. These type films were literally instrumental as the terraforming of Mars may now actually be taking place.
Damian Peach was one of the first astronomers to image the plume
The BBC reported:
An international team of scientists has now confirmed the finding, but they are struggling to find an explanation.
One theory is that the plume is a cloud of carbon dioxide or water particles.
"We know there are clouds on Mars, but clouds, up to this point, have been observed up to an altitude of 100km," Dr Garcia Munoz said.
"And we are reporting a plume at 200km, so it is significantly different. At 200km, we shouldn't see any clouds, the atmosphere is too thin – so the fact we see it for 20 days in total is quite surprising."
You see this is big news, likely of which will be suppressed by most mainstream sources. In fact some say that advanced militarized space missions have already been taking place and that trips to Mars are currently underway and have been for quite some time.
Now, for obvious reasons, the following article, written by Makia Freeman, can not be independently verified or confirmed. However, it may be important and is well worth consideration.
Freeman wrote in an article titled Mars disclosure: Randy Cramer (Captain Kaye) expands upon his Mars recall:
Mars disclosure is the name I am giving to the extraordinary phenomenon that has begun to occur, with now more than 7 different whistleblowers having come forward and claiming they have set foot on Mars. The latest account – and hands down the most detailed – comes from Randy Cramer, who initially came out under the pseudonym of "Captain Kaye" as I wrote about in this Mars whistleblowers article. Since that time, he has decided to step out into the public spotlight more fully, and as of the time of writing, he has now done over 6 interviews where he talks about his experiences.

Is the Mars Disclosure Being Authorized by Top Military Officers?

Surprisingly, Cramer reveals that he is being given the green light to go ahead and speak publicly about his experiences. As part of the "USMC ss" (United States Marine Corps – Special Service), he states that his commander, Brigadier-General Julian Smythe, has given him full permission to share his story. Cramer claims his supervisor actually wanted him to speak publicly about it. If Cramer is authentic and telling the truth, this means the official military and governmental endorsement to release a massive amount of sensitive and classified information, all of which would normally be kept completely hidden from the public under that hackneyed rubric "national security". It means Government-sanctioned Mars disclosure.
Cramer presents himself as a marine, part of a special division known as the USMC ss (United States Marine Corps, special section). He claims a legal basis for this Mars disclosure: article 21 of the USMC code, which allows marine officers to speak publicly about their activities, without breaking their oath of secrecy, if they have exhausted all other avenues to uphold law in the face of a treasonous and seditious elite.

Key Points of Cramer's Mars Disclosure Account

Below is a summary of the key points of Cramer's account from many of his interviews:
  1. Project Moonshadow: Randy Cramer was born in 1970, was trained from 3.5 years old to 17 years old as part of Project Mannequin (a global military supersoldier project). He later participated in Project Moonshadow (300 supersoldiers). According to Cramer, mind control after 1960 moved from MK Ultra (trauma-based) to Project Moonshadow (more cooperative-based). Moonshadow's aim was not to create faster, stronger killers, but faster, stronger, more moral heroes, the modern supersoldiers.
  2. 17 years on Mars: He did a 20 year tour of duty, serving off planet, mostly on Mars (17 years), but also aboard a spaceship capable of interplanetary travel (the EDF SS Nautilus). He was also present at a US military base on the Moon, where he worked briefly for the Lunar Operations Command (on back side of the moon), as part of the EDF (Earth Defence Force).
  3. The MCC: For the majority of his time in space, Cramer worked as part of the MDF (Mars Defense Force), under the MCC (Mars Colony Corporation). The MCC is a consortium of governments, banks, technological companies, etc. which is operating mining and other operations on Mars.
  4. Life on Mars: He first touched down on Mars at Aries Prime, and worked at Forward Station Zebra. Most Martian facilities are underground. Forward Station Zebra was the most forward and northernmost station. He always went further north to fight, never south, so never saw the colonies way to the south of his location. Cramer reveals that he could breathe the air on Mars, but with a little difficulty, and normally used a kind of powered environment suit to walk on surface. He mentions that on the equitorial regions of Marts, you can walk on the surface without a suit and still breathe; it's like thin mountain air. He says it occasionally snowed there, but the snow on Mars falls more slowly than snow on Earth. Cramer's tasks involved mostly security and patrolling.
  5. Native Species on Mars: He occasionally had interaction with 2 native Martian species, 1 reptoid and 1 insectoid. The southern tribes were more aggressive than the northern tribes.
  6. A Catastrophic Event: There were some local skirmishes and small battles, but the colony of humans there mostly got along with these 2 species, until the Draconian reptilians got involved – at which point it became a brutal 4-way war. The native reptoid species were able to easily overcome the Draco Reptilians militarily, but nonetheless, a war erupted until a catastrophic event almost wiped out Cramer's entire station and its sister station. Since there were around 260 military personnel stationed at each of these bases, this event resulted in the death of (at least) around 520 people.
  7. Piloting a Spaceship: After the disaster, Cramer was sent to flight school, became a pilot, and served aboard the EDF SS Nautilus spaceship.
  8. Return to Earth: At the end of his time, he was regressed and brought back into a younger cloned body of 17 years old and inserted back into Earth life. It took him a lot of effort and inner psychological work to retrieve these memories and integrate them back into his life.

What are the Implications of this Mars Disclosure?

Governments around the world, and the US Government in particular, are lying to people on a scale so massive and colossal it defies imagination. People are scurrying around worrying about menial and banal affairs, falling for fear propaganda like Ebola and ISIS, but meanwhile, an elite-controlled section humanity with highly advanced technology is already actively colonizing space. Rich Dolan calls this the breakaway civilization. Cramer states that he believes (but has not verified with personal experience) that we have colonies not just on the Moon and Mars, but also all over the Solar System and beyond.

Is the Secrecy Going to End?

Is the secrecy going to end? I don't think so. The New World Order controlling hierarchy is founded upon secrecy. This is reflected in the compartmentalized way the military is structured. If you don't have "need to know", you'll be left in the dark. I can't see this ending anytime soon. The elite's power is based on our ignorance. Driven by lust for power as they are, why would they give up their power base?
However, it is not as clear-cut as this. According to Cramer, the reason for the secrecy around Mars specifically and the Secret Space Program in general was to hide the exclusivity of the agenda. The program was originally set up to preserve entire human culture and DNA, but the agenda morphed into "let's save just a few elite special people and not everyone" – hardly a good selling point for politicians to disclose to the citizens. Cramer says there are 2 factions of the NWO: one faction wants to create new civilization with advanced technology by cleaning out the old (i.e. eugenics, depopulation and destruction), and the other faction thinks that approach would weaken us and allow ETs waiting in the wings to come in, invade and overtake us. Hence, Cramer sees a possibility that some of the elites may want to get the truth out to save themselves.

Mars Disclosure: Not with a White House Statement!

If we are going to have any kind of widespread Mars disclosure, it's not going to be some grandiose press statement on the White House lawn. The Government always lies. They would not want to handle the chaos such a statement would cause. Just imagine if they said: "We've been lying to you for over 70 years about UFOs and ETs. They exist. We have already been interacting with aliens, managing underground bases with them and making deals with them for decades. We have been allowing them to take some people (via abductions) to experiment upon. And, we have advanced technology (like free energy) we have keeping from you that provides infinite power and has allowed us to colonize the entire Solar System and travel inside and outside of this galaxy. Have a good day."
It's not going to happen!
It's a Pandora's box: they can't just reveal a little of the truth. Once they open it up, one question will inevitably lead to another and another and another, until we have way more questions than answers.

Slow Disclosure: Drip, Drip, Drip

Instead, what we are seeing is a slow disclosure, whereby the truth is out there, and it is up to each individual person to seek it out, learn it and integrate it themselves. This is a much less threatening way for the Government to leak the truth without losing face and potentially inciting a revolution. In this way they hope to release pressure slowly. Yet, as Cramer says, if disclosure occurs and if we communicate with our intergalactic brothers and sisters en masse (at least the more evolved ones), they would enlighten us about new systems of society that are not exploitative, which would undermine our current debt-based, wage-slave monetary system.
I guess we will have to wait and see what happens as the future is unraveling right before our very eyes.
Interesting times for sure.
About the author:
 is the founder, editor-in-chief of Intellihub News and the maker of SHADE the Motion Picture. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook. Shepard also appears on the Travel Channel series America Declassified. You can also listen to him on Coast To Coast AM with hosts, both, George Noory on "Chemtrails" and John B. Wells on the "Alternative Media Special". Shepard Ambellas has also been featured on the Drudge Report, the largest news website in the entire world, for his provocative coverage of the Bilderberg Group.
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